
In my future, I want to be a good English teacher. I respect my high school English teacher. She was very good at pronouncing and writing. First, teachers need to write in English well. Therefore I aim to develop my writing skills. I hope to be more proficient in English and write essays properly. I think it is very hard and complicated but I have to attain my purpose. I like English so I will be able to endure hard work. Then, I want to build more confidence in my English. This will take a lot of time to do. I heard that Mr. Yasuda was so strict from someone last week. This class requires hard work and patience. However, it is lucky for me to learn from him. I write English essays carefully. Finally, I want to improve my writing skills. This class has not many students so the teacher teaches me to study English attentively. Also, using the blog for class assignments is efficient. I find problems easily, and his comments help me to rewrite. I try to write essays again and again. I will make a studious effort in this class to be a good English teacher.

How To Make Curry-2

Let me show you how to make curry for a serving of two. You will prepare two carrots, three potatoes, three onions into bitable dices as well as 240g of round beef meat. Oil the pot of three to four quarts to a medium heat, and start frying onions until brown, so to bring sweetness in the broth. Then, you will fry the carrots and potatoes with meat together, until they are cooked. Then put the water and wait for ingredients to come to a boil. You should pay attention not to burn over cook the meat to burn. You will skim the broth to get rid of extra fat surfaced. Then you turn the heat to very low and continue boiling them. You can put in a pinch of coffee to enrich the taste. Confirm that the vegetables are softened and turn off the heat. Now you are ready to put in the curry roux. But dissolve the roux in the water before adding to the pot. Mix the roux, vegetables and meat slowly to bring a fair thickness. You can experiment different brands of curry roux, but the key is the good smell and of course the taste!
You are now ready to serve the curry with the rice on the side, or in the same bowl. Some may prefer nun with the curry, but Japanese cherish the navy style curry rice.

Handwriting Or Typing

Which is better, handwriting or typing? Handwriting is tired so we cannot avoid giving up writing. We cannot much writing. But Handwriting has originality. We need good writing sense because we have to write the own ideas. Handwriting sometimes is difficult to read. So we must write clearly. Also, handwriting has a sense of closeness. A receiver can feel good impression and know writer’s characteristics from contents of a letter. On the other hand, typing is easy and fast. We can much writing and write over again. Typing has originality, too. It can write beautiful charts, graphs and so on. So we do not need high quality sense for writing. It is easy to read. But a receiver cannot feel a sense of closeness because everyone can write same letter easily. A receiver is hard to understand writer’s characteristics. In addition, we need use computer. The Internet has infiltrated many aspects of our daily life but I think we should try to write letter by hand.

Right Or Wrong-3

When should Japanese students start to study English? I think it is an elementary level or a junior high school level. Japanese students should study English as soon as possible because our brain gets weaker with age. We feel as we grow older. The sooner, the better. English is experience. This experience means communicating with foreign people. We must get used to hearing foreign languages. We communicate with many foreign people in English and we can make progress in English. English is very complicated but I hope students interested in studying English. Of course, adults can improve in English but many adults cannot avoid speaking with a Japanese accent. On the other hand, young people can get good English intonation so I think Japanese students should study English as soon as possible. English is second language. Some claim that we should learn the Japanese and our culture at first, to the extent that we should delay learning English. But I think Japan will go globalized more in the near future. Not only do children understand many foreign cultures, but they should be able to make themselves understood in English, a lingua franca of the world. Thus, it is almost imperative to encourage young children to start studying English sooner in an elementary school.

My Favorite Country-6

My favorite country is Australia. When I was a high school student, I went abroad to Australia and home stayed. As you know, Australia has beautiful and the great outdoors. Gold Coast is the biggest tourist attraction. Duranbah Beach is famous for surfing. Tourists have fun to play many sports. Australians like Japanese. Australians are friendly. My host sister was Erin. She was 19 years old. She had two brothers. Her mother was a Japanese teacher. She cooked very well. I loved her dishes. Erin’s hobby was playing netball. I watched her game with her parents on the weekend. She liked Japan. We wore Yukata and had Japanese food together. In the vacation, she took me to many events and markets. They were very fun and exciting. Australian needs water because Australia is in lack of water. I was surprised because when I took a bath I was handed a sandglass. I had to take a bath in 5 minutes. It was too short to take a bath. Australia is an arided region and the drought exhausts the water supply. During a drought, everyone needs to conserve water. And yet, it is my favorite country. I feel close to Australians. I think Australia is a good country. I want to visit there again someday.

Why I Have Decided To Take This Class-6

In my future, I want to be a good English teacher. I respect my high school English teacher. She was very good at pronouncing and writing. Of course, teachers need to write in English well. Therefore I aim to develop my writing skills. I hope to be more proficient in English and write essays properly. I think it is very hard and complicated but I have to attain my purpose. I like English so I will be able to endure hard work. I want to build more confidence in my English. This will take a lot of time to do. I heard that Mr. Yasuda was so strict from someone last week. This class requires hard work and patience. However, it is lucky for me to learn from him. I write English essays carefully. I want to improve my writing skills. In addition, this class has not many students so the teacher teaches me to study English attentively. Also, using the blog for class assignments is efficient. I find problems easily, and his comments help me to rewrite. I try to write essays again and again. I will make a studious effort in this class to be a good English teacher.

Why I Have Decided To Take This Class-5

In my future, I want to be a good English teacher. I respect my high school English teacher. She was very good at pronouncing and writing. Of course, teachers need to write in English well. Therefore I aim to develop my writing skills. I hope to be more proficient in English and write essays properly. I think it is very hard and complicated but I have to attain my purpose. I like English so I will be able to endure hard work. I want to build more confidence in my English. This will take a lot of time to do. I heard that Mr. Yasuda was so strict from someone last week. This class requires hard work and patience. However, it is lucky for me to learn from him. I write English essays carefully. I want to improve my writing skills. In addition, this class has small number of students so teacher teaches me to study English attentively. Also, using the blog for class assignments is efficient. I find problems easily, and his comments help me to rewrite. I try to write essays again and again. I will make a studious effort in this class to be a good English teacher.

My Summer Vacation-4

In this summer vacation, I went to Cambodia to do volunteer work for 8 days. I taught English and Japanese as a volunteer to students at a local elementary school. I was in charge of the upper grades class. The pupils were very eager to learn at school. Also, they were very cute. In the final class, they gave me flowers and the girl worked my hair into braids. Between classes I played volleyball with them. The games were exciting. For eight days, I stayed with a family with my friends. I enjoyed every day but many things surprised me. For example, they did not have the shower. So I had to use cold well-water. It was so wild. Also, many insects and mice bothered me. First, I tried to avoid them but finally I was used to them. One day, I went to Angkor Wat and Angkor Tom. It was very beautiful and fantastic. Then I went to a mine museum. I knew about some of the Cambodian history and I confirmed that we shouldn’t raise the war. I like the Cambodian people because they were very kind and charming. I saw a sunrise in one morning. Cambodian nature was wonderful. I want to visit Cambodia one more time.

My Favorite Country-5

My favorite country is Australia. When I was a high school student, I went abroad to Australia and home stayed. As you know, Australia has beautiful and the great outdoors. Gold Coast is the biggest tourist attraction. Duranbah Beach is famous for surfing. Tourists have fun to play many sports. Australians like Japanese. Australians are friendly. My host sister was Erin. She was 19 years old. She had two brothers. Her mother was a Japanese teacher. She cooked very well and kind. I loved her dishes. Erin’s hobby was playing netball. I watched her game with her parents on the weekend. She liked Japan. We wore Yukata and had Japanese food together. In the vacation, she took me to many events and markets. They were very fun and exciting. Australian needs water because Australia is in lack of water. I was surprised because when I took a bath I was handed a sandglass. I had to take a bath in 5 minutes. It was too short to take a bath. Australia is an arided region and the drought exhausts the water supply. During a drought, everyone needs to conserve water. And yet, it is my favorite country. I feel close to Australians. I think Australia is a good country. I want to visit there again someday.

Right Or Wrong-2

When should Japanese students start to study English? I think it is an elementary level or a junior high school level. Japanese students should study English as soon as possible because our brain gets weaker with age. We feel as we grow older. The sooner is the better. English is experience. This experience means communicating with foreign people. We must get used to hearing foreign languages. We communicate with many foreign people in English and we can make progress in English. English is very complicated but I hope students interested in studying English. Of course, adults can improve in English but many adults cannot avoid speaking with a Japanese accent. On the other hand, young people can get good English intonation so I think Japanese students should study English as soon as possible. English is second language. We should learn about Japanese and Japanese culture at first. We may need not study English. But I think Japan will go globalized more. We should understand many foreign countries. We encourage young children to study English.